58 million people deal with medication insecurity, the inability to pay for prescription drugs. What if you could use a drug discount program and afford your prescription drugs?


In 2021 the average premium for a single person was $7,739 and for a family $22,221 usually with a deductible of $6K – $10K. Take control of your healthcare spend by making smart healthcare decisions.


I have heard the stories of frustration, whether it is navigating the healthcare system, fighting a bill you don’t believe is right or dealing with an authorization for a procedure that has been denied. Healthcare is becoming too expensive and consumers must be informed to make the best decisions for their families while not going into debt. HOW SAVVY CAN HELP? My passion is to create ONE trusted source that brings awareness for healthcare change, while supporting healthcare consumers by providing resources such as: Blogs * Live webinars * Video Explainers (10-minutes or less) * Audio Streaming * Helpful Web Links